Publications 2024-2025
Bialas, J.T., Dylewski, Ł. and Tobolka, M., 2024. Brain size mediates the choice of breeding strategy in the red-backed shrike Lanius collurio. Integrative Zoology.
Dylewski, L., Adamczyk, D., Zytkowiak, R. and Jagodzinski, A.M., 2024. Seed mass and seed resources–testing the defense trade-off hypothesis in woody plants. Dendrobiology, 91.
Jagiello, Z., Dylewski, Ł. and Szulkin, M., 2024. The plastic homes of hermit crabs in the Anthropocene. Science of The Total Environment, 913, p.168959.
Dylewski, Ł., Białas, J.T., Szymysł, A. and Banaszak-Cibicka, W., 2024. Pollinator assemblages in grasslands along river valleys depend on the urban matrix and local habitat scale variables. Ecological Indicators, 159, p.111687.
Tobolka, M., Zielińska, Z., Fusani, L., Huber, N., Maggini, I., Pola, G. and Marasco, V., 2024. Controlled expression of avian pre-migratory fattening influences indices of innate immunity. Biology Open, 13(1).